Acquired by UK national libraries

For the National Art Library and its audiences, it will be a useful contemporary example of an artist-poet original-print-illustrated book, that can be interestingly compared with classic examples from the earlier 20th century ...

Elizabeth James, Senior Librarian, National Art Library Collections, V&A Museum
May 5, 2017 acquired No 18 ON READING J. H. PRYNNE’S SUB SONGS


This looks exquisite. Personally speaking, I remember Sub Songs very well, ... and this looks a very interesting and beautiful composite response to those texts.

Dr Richard Price, Head, Contemporary British Collections, The British Library
April 24, 2017 acquired No 17 ON READING J. H. PRYNNE’S SUB SONGS


William Hale, Rare Books Department, Cambridge University Library
August 2016 acquired No 14 ON READING J. H. PRYNNE’S SUB SONGS